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Bartt, I'm so sad this is the last available salary point class I can take from you! I know it's a pain in the @$$, but please make more and I will sign up for them!
I had an amazing time.
My confidence is up!!!
This class may have just saved my sanity during this crazy quarantine time.
You really made me believe that I can reach the sky with my drawings. Your class was chill, but it wasn't a free salary point; you did make us work. There were times that I dreaded the class to be over because I wanted to keep on going. This was my therapy class!!
Even with my busy schedule, I would lose track of time, and class time would go by so fast that I did not want it to end. It was my quiet time that would help me not think about all the work I had to do. I enjoyed the class so much that even if I did not need to make up time, I still stuck around for a few more minutes after class. I was also able to connect with people that were making up time, and you were able to clarify and answer all my questions.
Doing this class through Zoom was a bit challenging for some teachers, due to technical issues, but you helped them overcome them with your step-by-step explanations.
I'm really glad that I signed up for this class. I learned not just from Bartt but from the other artistic teachers in this class as well. Bartt's an interesting character and made the class fun. Thank you for teaching me how to draw and I hope to take your classes again in the future!
I enjoyed the music you shared at the beginning of every class and the videos and pictures you shared while we drew. I appreciate the time you spent after class answering questions for those who needed it and honored our time. Spinning the wheel for prizes at the end of every session was fun.
Now I’m willing to not play it so safe!
You answered my questions every time I had one, which was helpful! In my opinion, you also explained things very well. I think this class was perfect the way it was during these uncertain times.
I thought you were extremely approachable even if I did not share as often as I usually participate. I had a great time in your class. The way you have galleries set up in Schoology is great. We can upload and browse at our convenience (and it’s in some ways better than in person because we can access whenever). For being a virtual class, I felt like the class had a personal touch. Great job! You’re highly recommended by me.
Of course, I was always too busy with this or that. But what better time than a PANDEMIC to say, "Hey! You should finally take that art class!" Over the past few weeks, I have enjoyed letting go of the notion that I must excel immediately. I am now in the realm of “Start where you are, practice, enjoy the ride.” I'm glad this was my first "real" art class, something I chose that I had an interest in. I will definitely be taking more in the future!
I also loved how you required everyone to have their video on. It allowed me to connect more with whoever was speaking, by being able to see them.
I liked the online format because it felt like we got more personal attention than we would have in a face-to-face format. I learned not only from you, but also from other people as well. The comments and critiques helped, and we were able to see the comments in Chat, which you don’t get in face-to-face, and you feel less intimidated to speak up in class online.
The camaraderie fostered by Bartt, hands down, bar none, supreme in every way.
I learned to let go a bit and not be so afraid of making mistakes or not having what I draw be good enough. I found that drawing can be introspective. Sometimes, there’s so much going on, that I don’t really have a chance to process everything. Drawing provided an opportunity to do that. Now I’m willing to not play it so safe and see how I can improve and get better. It has made me more thoughtful about what I am doing and mindful of the process, not just looking at the end result.
I am glad that I took this class because it was what I needed to relax my mind. Not only did I have fun in this class, but I also learned so much. The only other time I had this much fun with art was at an ice cream shop that had paint night. This class was also relaxing, fun and awesome. You are a great art teacher and this was a great experience. Even though it was a virtual class, it worked out well. Thank you for the guidance, encouragement and support.
Thank you for guiding and not telling...
This class was a learning experience in several ways. I not only learned the five art themes that were presented but also how to upload pictures in a jpeg format into Schoology.
I really enjoyed the way you scheduled and structured every day with a theme, music, and food. Having relaxation as the first theme was great because it made me feel comfortable drawing. Your relaxed attitude and approach to teaching the class definitely made me feel calmed and confident.
For a person who does not draw, I have found the joy in drawing. Thank you, Bartt.
Bartt, you make every class enjoyable. This class took me out of my comfort zone and I appreciate that. Some of the lessons were difficult for me but I think I have learned a lot. I definitely came up with a cool lesson to do with my students.
My experience in this class was quite magical! I appreciate that you are flexible about making up for missed class and that you make the assignments fun. I liked the music, your Calendar of Fun, the demos and the assignments. I feel like I was able to connect with the people in class who stayed to make up for time missed. Zoom can be so weird and impersonal with so many people, but you made it work! I would recommend others to take your classes and I may even take your Ukulele class when things normalize.
My 98th and final salary point has brought me here. Bartt, you have kept me here…
I really liked that you gave us the option to present things via writing, video, or live on Zoom. It was a cool way to provide differentiation - especially since I tend to be someone who prefers writing over speaking at times.
I hate online classes! Let me start off with that. They tend to be very boring and dull, but your class was the total opposite. I LOVED your class mainly because of who you are! Your personality is unique and I looked forward to each class session because I knew I will be laughing and smiling for that day.
I think it’s a great class for people who don't really have a clue, as well as for the experienced artist. You carry yourself with genuine sense of humor and fun, along with a huge reservoir of knowledge and technical ability.
After taking this class, I definitely think that art is essential for learning and as a self-care activity.
This class may have just saved my sanity during this crazy quarantine time.
This class was an eye-opener into a whole different aspect of my teaching. I will incorporate more intentional art lessons into my class. And will definitely continue to draw and put into practice what I learned in this class from Bartt and all the talented teachers in the class.
I love how this class forced you to stop what you were doing for 2 hours and just draw.
I was able to better see and learn from my peers in a non-threatening way. We could explore one another’s work on our own time by visiting the virtual galleries. In some ways, this was less intimidating. I felt I was still able to learn and connect in certain ways by learning about others through their art. Getting to know someone’s particular style and content allowed me to get to know them in a more intimate and personal way.
Yes, I was looking for a class to fulfill my salary point deficiency. I wanted something that I enjoyed, but I didn’t want something that would require me to write essays on end. I have enjoyed this class. I have learned new stuff; I learned to draw myself!!!! That is a first. My confidence is up!!!
I took your ukulele class and you mentioned having a drawing class, so that is when I gave drawing a thought. You were a great instructor, so I knew that if I did your drawing class, it would be fun and not boring.
This class has affirmed my belief that art in the classroom is essential. Art can be integrated into any lesson. Not only are there values and practices to be gained, but the kids also tend to enjoy lessons that include an artistic element. Recreational art-making has always been relaxing for me, but as a teacher, and especially an elementary teacher, I think art-making must be a key element in my pedagogy if I'm going the be the best teacher I can be for the tiny humans.
Your class has been a great refresher to drawing. I would love to work along with you in another drawing class in the future. All teachers should take a course like this in order to be able to sketch basic ideas for students. Thank you for creating this course, Bartt.
The encouraging pointers that Bartt gave during the creating process allowed me to create art that has some artistic value. I hope to instill the same encouraging words to my students when they are creating art.
Art has just made me happy because I want to show my kids what I have been up to and then see them get excited to show me something they have made. Thank you for this course!
Thank you for this chance to learn some new skills that are NOT technology related. I am finally ready to teach my first Zoom lesson, and it is going to be a drawing lesson for my 2nd grade class.
I liked how you made this a 2-hour class that was split up throughout the week, which really worked with my online scheduling! It was the same link each time and that made everything go so smoothly. I was easily able to connect with others in the class by talking on Zoom or just commenting on their art works in the galleries.
But my most important take away here, which I did not have before coming to this course, is that art doesn’t have to be finished, and there are no rules to somebody's artistry. Art can be anything to anyone. I think that's the beauty of it, and to have that in mind when making art, makes it a lot easier to go easy on oneself.
I've really learned a lot from taking this class. I not only learned from Bartt, but I also learned from the many talented teachers in this class. Wow, I am blown away. So much talent! I'm glad I took this class.
I really appreciated this class. As an adult, I never thought I would have an opportunity to learn to draw. I was sure my season had passed.
I really appreciate that you went above and beyond to try to help me understand everything in class using your cell phone and my caption phone.Zoom calls are not captioned and it makes it difficult for deaf people to lip-read everything, especially when some people are not visible enough to lip-read.
I had taken your beginning ukulele class last year and loved it. Although this class was virtual, I still felt like we were all together in a room sketching away while you played music and shared stories with us. I think showing the sketches through videos and online in a close up format gave us a better perspective.
During the past few weeks, I have felt more comfortable drawing. I never thought I could produce the drawings that I've made. I know my drawings aren't as complex as others, but they're a huge achievement for me. Every meeting, I would forward my drawings to my siblings and tell them about how I'm finally learning to draw. Next time I sit down to draw, I will definitely be more relaxed.
I also appreciated that there were lots of levels all in the same class, so we got to see examples across the board. The feedback you gave was great because it was specific and something concrete we could work on. I would definitely sign up for another class!
I knew I would be laughing and smiling for that day.
If you create more online courses I would be thrilled to take another one. Thank you for taking the time to create this course and thank you for sharing everything you shared in class from your art work to you videos. I had an amazing time.
I enjoyed the online experience. It took away some of the performance anxiety I would have likely otherwise experienced.
The class was therapeutic, I would hope that you would offer more classes and over the summer so that I can spend more time.
I expected this class to be relaxing and a good time to have set aside for drawing practice. It was definitely that, but what I found especially helpful for my own practice was the discussion and live analysis of drawings from my classmates. Each discussion gave me a little here and a little there and I was able to try a little bit of all the ideas I was exposed to.
My boyfriend is a teacher as well, and he has taken your drawing and ukulele classes and he highly suggested to take this course. Also, I took a ukulele workshop in the New Teacher Summer Institute WITH YOU back in 2017. I really loved your energy. These two reasons led me to take this online drawing class. Since I knew you were very outgoing and fun, and I also have an interest in art, I was very excited and motivated to take this course. It was a win-win situation because in the end, I will earn a salary point!
This class has been a way to unwind and relax and get back to a skill I have not practiced in a very long time. I am grateful for this time. It's my secret happy quarantine moment.
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